It is in the experience where our learning most happens. Each generation lives in its time, surrounded by the knowledge and wisdom that has been passed from one generation to the next.
We seek to apply our own understanding to the world in which we find ourselves and while we might not be perfect, at least we are brave enough to face chance and to make the most of every opportunity. In a challenging few weeks, the Maori news wire has intensified as King Tuheitia called all whanau, hapu and iwi together at Turangawaewae marae in Ngaruawahia.
Over 1000 people heard the call, with many from Te Arawa attending, and the korero became a positive next step in this longer journey for our people.
The Government then called its own Water Consultation hui. The first meeting in Hamilton was boycotted by King Tuheitia and many Waikato-Tainui hapu with only a dozen people turning up. Shame, eh.
Apparently there was hui held here in Rotorua, with Bill English having a talk, before heading over to Taupo where Te Arikinui Tumu Te Heuheu said they wanted to continue to korero ki te kanohi a te Karauna, which is fair enough.