Maranga mai Ngati Pikiao. It has been a month of celebration and sadness, memory and unity.
Many whanau enjoyed the wedding of the year when Heeni Morehu and Taupe Poupoasa said "I do'' in a beautiful ceremony and reception. There have been fiddy birthdays around the rohe and, while we have cried tears of happiness, there have also been moments of great sadness, such as hearing about the passing of whanau at Whakarewarewa, Wahiao, Tunohopu and of our uncle, Hone Popeye Huriwai, over in Australia. Our tears also converged at the unveiling of uncles George Huriwai and Putu Mihaka. Such powerful moments, such wonderful memories. Moe mai ra e nga whanau. You will all be forever in our hearts.
The Ohau Maori Youth Club reunited for its 50th jubilee. It was amazing to hear how the old people of Ohau wanted their tamariki and mokopuna to learn te reo Maori back when it was not fashionable. Whanau came from Auckland and Australia to join locals and to remember the fun times, the tutu times, the trips away, performing at Ratana, at the Koroneihana and in the Rotorua Santa Parade. Ohau was established for the young people of Ngati Pikiao to stay grounded, to stay out of trouble and inspired groups such as Ngati Rangiwewehi and Ngati Tuhourangi-Wahiao. To the committee, many thanks for the wonderful weekend of song, dance, memories and laughter. An Ohau CD was made and can be bought from aunty Rotu Mihaka. We were all looking forward to the Pikiao Tamariki Ahurei at Kahumatamomoe on Sunday.
Congratulations to the Ngati Pikiao Environmental Society for defeating the Rotorua District Council as it tried to build a huge toilet station on sacred lands. Bad enough the RDC did not ask the locals; it also wanted to charge
every home a stupid amount to get connected. While the idea was good, the approach was poor.
And as a personal korero, can I please pass on my own apologies to the people of Ngapuna and the hapu of Ngati Hurungaterangi. The proposed dump right next to your baths is not a good idea and we on the Te Arawa standing committee all acknowledge that; however, we needed to be more on to it by tracking the process and responding at every stage. It isn't easy this thing called council. We hope to meet back soon. Aroha mai e nga whanau, nga hapu.