Oho mai and kia ora to all the young people of Rotorua, for this week is all about you.
Rotorua Youth Week 2013 is here and we've heard about heaps of cool events going down across our city. The theme this year is "Live Like a Legend", with singing, basketball, careers advice, cooking, hunting, fishing, arts and a massive dance party happening throughout the week.
Check out RYC, Facebook or your local park to see what's up. Mean.
Now, when I was a young buck, my whanau shipped me off to university to study politics and it was there I learned that boards of trustees played a crucial role within their respective schools and that BOT members are widely regarded throughout their communities.
With that, local school board of trustee elections are upon us, so I would encourage keen parents to stand, and for all students' families to tautoko and cast your vote.
We also have the Ngati Pikiao Iwi Trust elections coming up, so here again I would encourage our Pikiao whanau to check to see if they are registered, ready to vote and to help tautoko some of the major kaupapa we have coming up.
Speaking of which, the Poukai will be held at Punawhakareia Marae on May 23. All offers of support to Aunty Pare Merito please, and the Pikiao Ahurei is coming up on September 14 and 15. Check with your marae roopu rep. or ask up at Te Runanga o Ngati Pikiao for more info. I'm really looking forward to these.
And now back to this new net.
We have local council elections coming up this year and I, for one, would love to see some young Rotorua-ians put their hands up to run for council. Heck, even for mayor. Our city needs to take a chance by supporting new blood on to council, who will bring in new ideas and new energy.
The Rotorua District Council has 12 councillors plus one mayor and it would be wicked to see two of those seats occupied by someone younger than 24.
Most times I feel like a baby in council and it would be awesome to have some young company. There is so much we can do, but without youthful voices at the table who are able to make decisions, we will get more of the same.
And if tomorrow belongs to us, why can't we help decide things today?
Ka pu te ruha, ka hao te rangatahi. When the old net is set aside, the new net goes fishing.
Potaua Biasiny-Tule is a member of the Rotorua District Council Te Arawa Standing Committee.