“He has an amazing aptitude to see a complete job from start to finish.”
Andrews said Bruell was skilled in a number of different areas allowing him to design and complete bathroom renovations from the ground up.
“Robert has a natural ability to transform a space to a practical, high-quality bathroom, all whilst managing the project from cost to delivering the highest standard to the right aesthetics for the home, nailing it everytime.”
She described de Salis as “practical, confident and obliging, eager to learn”.
Davis was decribed as “very articulate in his work and conscious of the detail”.
Andrews said McBeth Plumbing has had a whirlwind of a year and they have had to be creative to attract tradespeople to support their goals for growth, including implementing lifestyle hours to provide more time for family and enjoyment of the beautiful place they live in.
They have successfully grown their business in the last 12 months and are committed to supporting the industry with the employment of apprentices.
Apprentice of the Year Hirst was described by his company Advanced Plumbing as “an outstanding young tradesman within our team”.
“After becoming a qualified tradesman plumber and gasfitter he has continued his learning and has recently completed his last drainage block course and exam.”
Hirst achieved 100 per cent in his drainage assessment.
“Logan is astute in managing health and safety risks on sites. Logan is tasked with looking after many of the high end house builds we complete in the volcanic region and he is the leading tradesman on the new Taupō Regional Airport Facility.”