As things got back to normal last week at the radio station, like most workmates getting back together after the break, there was the swapping of holiday stories in the office. While the length and location of everybody's holidays varied, there was one constant theme; the weather and how great it had been. The general consensus was it may even be remembered as "one of the golden summers" because it had been so outstanding.
However somewhere in the conversation the topic of Rotorua's hottest temperature came up - again something which I'm sure many others have debated too, and do so on an annual basis. Most thoughts went along the lines of the fact that the television news temperature each night was ripping us off by a couple of degrees. I brought this up on the air as well and got plenty of feedback along the same lines.
Now I'm no expert weatherman (no relation to Jim at all by the way) but boy, I do wonder about the logic of the arguments. I certainly don't rate my ability to stand outside, stick my finger in the air and say with confidence "yep it's 27 degrees right now" and then complain when the television has us at 26!
But then my car tells me it was 29C outside at one stage, but our thermometer hooked up to the studio computer at the radio station says we only got to 25C.
Who is right and who is wrong? Is it really that important? Is it worth all the stress?