This does not come easy. Ever.
Each time you wrangle change, it acquiesces only after forcing you to face and overcome challenges.
The evolution must be earned.
You should expect your level of required risk to be equal to the reward you seek.
What you'll come to learn once you empower yourself is that you have more control over your life than you think you do.
You can control your state of being and you can make choices.
Choices about what you do, how you feel, and the way you perceive things. Your wairua. You decide which path you take at every crossroads.
You decide to think or not think, to be on autopilot or not, to do something dramatically different but more right than anything has ever been - you grab at an opportunity, you pick at a scab, you risk your heart, you jump headfirst, you say no or yes or maybe or never.
You can't control every variable reaction and there are no guarantees, but regardless of outcome you will most certainly be walking away realising over and again: your power. You are capable when you decide to be.
Kia kaha.
• Pat Spellman is a Maori radio personality, runs his own creative consultancy and is a former political organiser, campaign manager and candidate for Waiariki. Contact him at