A teenage mother fighting for her life after she was hit by a car allegedly driven by her partner suffered two punctured lungs, a broken leg and a fractured neck, her sister says.
The young woman, 17, also had to have her spleen removed after she was run over on State Highway 33 in Whangamarino, northeast of Rotorua on Saturday. Her 19-year-old partner, was to appear in the Rotorua District Court today charged with driving with excess breath-alcohol, careless driving causing injury and driving while suspended.
The teen's sister told 3News the incident happened at her 20th birthday party.
The sister said the girl had her spleen removed at hospital and suffered two punctured lungs, a broken leg and a fractured neck in the incident.
A Waikato Hospital spokeswoman said the teen was still in a critical condition in intensive care last night.