Do teachers deserve better pay?
I believe they do.
Is strike action the best, most effective way of getting better pay?
I don't think it is.
It was announced this week primary teachers and principals will go on strike on August 15.
Do teachers deserve better pay?
I believe they do.
Is strike action the best, most effective way of getting better pay?
I don't think it is.
It was announced this week primary teachers and principals will go on strike on August 15.
Read more: Rotorua teachers to participate in national strike over pay
Rotorua teachers and principals meet to discuss strike action
The teachers union NZEI Te Riu Roa said teachers would stop work for at least three hours next month after the Government refused their pay demands.
NZEI lead negotiator Liam Rutherford said the strike, from 1.30pm to 4.30pm, could be extended to a full day after many members did not think the half-day strike sent a strong enough message.
The decision follows a series of meetings around the country where teachers voted whether they should accept the pay offer or strike.
The Ministry of Education had offered to increase pay, in the majority of cases, by between 2.2 and 2.6 per cent a year for three years.
But the offer was a far cry from the 16 per cent increase teachers felt was needed to retain and recruit staff.
Whether it's a half day strike or full day, I am doubtful the desired effect will be felt.
Nobody denies a teacher's role is a crucial one, but like strike action in any industry, those left behind will pick up the slack, making sure things continue to tick over until those striking are back at work.
In those three hours next month when hundreds of teachers walk off the job, there won't be children climbing on desks, establishing tribes Lord of the Flies style, bereft of adult supervision.
There won't be children suddenly forgetting their times tables or how to read.
Parents and caregivers will pick their kids up from school early, knowing everything will go back to normal the next day.
On the face of it, everything will be under control and at the end of the strike, the higher powers could very well say "we made it through without serious incident".
Sure, strike action is inconvenient, but in my opinion, it doesn't highlight, especially when it's only for half a day, how teachers are undervalued and why they deserve better pay.
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