Teachers are - in my view - some of the hardest working and undervalued people in New Zealand.
Sure, they get more official holidays than most, but a chunk of those holidays are spent preparing for the next term. And while school hours may be a leisurely 9-3ish for kids, you would be hard pressed to find a teacher that manages the same.
About 1200 educators attended a union meeting in Rotorua yesterday to learn more about the government's 'global budget' proposal - which is being widely compared to bulk funding - a scheme that has failed in New Zealand before.
Meetings have been held around the country, including in Tauranga and Whakatane.
There has been some negativity on social media from parents about teachers leaving classes early to attend the 1.30pm meeting. Most of that seems to be around the inconvenience in having to pick children up early rather than a serious concern for those lost couple of hours of education.