The Minsiter for Education dropped a few bombs on teachers, parents and our children recently.
The first one is a funding proposal similar to bulk funding which was shot down years ago. Schools are not funded adequately as it is and 'global budgets' in my view will mean not employing the qualified teacher because they are more expensive and deciding to make classes unmanageably large so schools can afford to day to day operational costs.
The latest bomb from Hekia Parata is that students would soon have the option of signing up to an "accredited online learning provider" instead of turning up to school. According to the minister, it's time for New Zealand kids to "move into the digital age".
Newsflash. They already are. It's everywhere. Our kids from year 0 to year 13 are fully immersed. COOL - community of online learning - is the hip new acronym. But, for those who have not been in a classroom for the last decade or more, make no bones about it cyber learning, or the internet is an integral part of your children's learning.
Quite often schools are at the front of the wave, ahead of mainstream society, as teachers work and train tirelessly to keep our future generations ahead of the curve.