There is bad news for ratepayers in the council's 2017/18 Annual Plan draft consultation document, as we report today.
The proposal is for rates to rise by an average of 3.8 per cent - significantly higher than the 2.6 per cent signalled in the long term plan.
It's worse than that for urban residents, who will pay on average 4.1 per cent more in the 2018 financial year, should the proposal get the go ahead.
The proposed hike comes on top of a 6-8 per cent rise for urban residents in 2015 and a 2-2.2 per cent rise last year. For an average three-bedroom home in Utuhina I now pay around $2550 annually. Other readers no doubt pay more.
If those with greater financial and strategic minds than mine believe this is the best way to keep the city running as it should I will suck up paying another $100 or so a year, albeit grumbling. No one wants to see infrastructure and vital services suffer.