Fortunately for us, our public art collection has scheduled maintenance to ensure these most valued items are looked after and preserved for following generations.
At times this may just involve a fresh coat of paint as was the case recently with our 'Bronzed Warrior' on Fenton St.
However, in many cases any repair work requires specialist knowledge and credentials, so over the past few years I've spent an amount of time chatting and working with conservators.
Wooden sculptures present the most challenges, especially where water enters the end grain and rot can set in.
And of course, there is a time when a piece deteriorates beyond repair, and decommissioning is the only option.
Sadly, despite the best of intentions and efforts, this was the case with our Canadian totem pole which had proudly stood in the Government Gardens for more than 20 years.
On a chirpier note, our priceless Tene Waitere carvings which adorn the Government Gardens entrance were again restored last year and remain in sound condition - not bad for 110 years!