I don't know about anyone else, but I was quite looking forward to hearing how Reynold Macpherson planned to convince a judge the Rotorua mayoralty election should be scrapped and a whole new election held.
I was curious to hear how the delayed release of the results of a 400-person survey could have had such a significant impact on how people voted, that had it been released before the election it would have turned around the 2863 margin by which Steve Chadwick beat him.
The popcorn was at the ready as I eagerly awaited what revelations and fireworks might come out in the courtroom. After all, Dr Macpherson has never been one to hold back.
But it wasn't to be, with the news yesterday Dr Macpherson and the Rotorua Lakes Council had reached a settlement and the case has been dropped.
All jocularity aside, what a waste of time and money that was.