The inquiry was Australia's longest running royal commission, investigating since 2012. Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull recommends all Australians read the commission's report.
"Tens of thousands of children have been sexually abused in many Australian institutions. We will never know the true number," the report said.
The numbers tell it all: more than 8000 survivors testified. Nearly two-thirds were men. One in five survivors (21 per cent) was abused in more than one type of institution. Half the survivors were aged between 10 and 14 the first time they were abused. Girls were more likely to be younger at the time of abuse. Almost 2500 survivors were abused in an institution managed by the Catholic Church. Some impacts on victims were immediate and temporary. Others lasted throughout adulthood. Many adult perpetrators of abuse held roles associated with positions of leadership, power and authority.
Survivors of state care in New Zealand have been calling for an inquiry for years. They have been knocked back at every turn.
Some support has been provided in recent years by the Government's Confidential Listening and Assistance Service. It's what you have to be content with when a full scale inquiry does not find favour with the government.
We harmed children with impunity in our institutions too. They were sexually abused, beaten and terrorised, not kept safe and afforded the protection they deserved. Up until now survivors were not going to get an opportunity to tell New Zealand and the world what happened to them.
Our new Government is prepared to look into the treatment of New Zealand children placed in state care. In the past state care has been used as an indicator of how well you will do in the future; where you are heading and likely to end up. Wrong side of the track, in other words.
The survivors have waited long enough to tell their harrowing stories. Why they were placed in care in the first place, what happened to them, and what they experienced when they tried to tell someone.
Whether our review will be a royal commission, government or ministerial inquiry is not yet decided. Neither are the terms of reference. What we can be sure of is that survivors will at last be respectfully heard. We will hear the extent of their suffering and like the Australian Royal Commission, recommendations will follow, theirs totalled 189.
I believe our inquiry will serve up similar results to Australia. As a country we will have to hang our heads in shame. But an inquiry gives us the opportunity to inform today's institutions how they can get it right for those children who must be placed in state care.
Children's lives matter. They always have. Somewhere along the way authorities lost the plot. Time for fearless leadership to signal a new direction in the protection of vulnerable children.
Merepeka Raukawa-Tait is a Rotorua Lakes councillor, Lakes District Health Board member and chairs the North Island Whanau Ora Commissioning Agency. She writes, speaks and broadcasts to thwart political correctness