How often have you been to Kmart Rotorua?
It's been nearly two weeks since the store opened its doors, after literally years of our readers asking for it. Every time there was an empty space, a new commercial development or a call for wishes for Rotorua, the overwhelming response was "we want Kmart".
If the conversation in our newsroom yesterday was representative of the city as a whole, it seems for most the reality is living up to the hype.
Read more: Wait almost over for eager Kmart shoppers in Rotorua
Kmart and NZTA prepping for mayhem on Rotorua opening day
2400 apply for 100 jobs at Rotorua's new Kmart
One of our team (who shall remain nameless) has been every day, bar the opening day. She's bought ironing board covers, wooden spoons and other random items she didn't know she needed.