There are plans to install a set of traffic lights at the notorious Tarawera Rd intersection -but it will be at least another 12 months before Rotorua motorists will see work begin to ease congestion on the city's east side.
Representatives of the New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) held two public information sessions in Rotorua yesterday, walking locals through the options available within the $24 million budget allocated by Transport Minister Simon Bridges in February last year.
NZTA senior project manager Chris Farnsworth said a feedback period would be open for the next two weeks and he urged those interested in the project to have their say.
He said plans for the entire eastern corridor - from Old Taupo Rd, Amohau St, Sala St and Te Ngae Rd - were on display, but he was well aware many people were interested in what would happen at the Tarawera Rd roundabout.
Mr Farnsworth said the agency's most immediate priority was to try and fix the congestion at the intersection and its preferred option was to install traffic lights to control traffic.
He said building a larger roundabout or a much more expensive flyover were not the preferred options for the Tarawera Rd congestion problem. He said a plan to build traffic lights at other points along the route would minimise the impact of ongoing roadworks on the community and was the most practical short to medium-term solution.
NZTA senior project manager Chris Farnsworth shows locals what the options are for Rotorua's congested eastern corridor. Photo/Ben Fraser
He said traffic signals could be easily controlled, did not have the same footprint as a large roundabout and were faster to build. All things going well, work would start in 12 months.
"It's all funded and the money's sitting there waiting for us to use it.
"Consultations, full design concepts, moving of utilities... all going wonderfully, we hope to be in the construction phase in 12 months."
Lynmore resident Charlie Windell said he drove through Selwyn Rd to get to Tarawera Rd and into town so he avoided traffic lights and the congestion along Te Ngae Rd.
"We've been told this is a short to medium term solution and that's all well and good and I hope they have one eye on the future.
"Overall, I'm quite pleased with their plans and if the experts say traffic lights at the roundabout is the answer, then so be it.
"Obviously there are budget restraints and I'm sure if they had an unlimited budget then you'd get everything you want, like flyovers, but then again, you'd also have problems building one of those."
Mr Windell said the presentation was worth attending.
"I hope those people complaining will take a good look at the proposals and tell the NZTA what they would like to see, because now is your chance."
Preferred options for Rotorua's eastern and central corridors
Central corridor - State Highway 5 via Amohau St to Sala St