Time flies when you're having fun - and while editing the Rotorua Daily Post is a reasonably serious occupation, I enjoy my job and the 365 days since we relaunched the newspaper as a morning compact edition have gone quickly.
You should remember our March 11, 2013, launch edition - it was a whopper. We were extra keen to make an impact from the get-go, so we put our foot down and haven't taken it off the gas yet. So much has happened in the city in the past 12 months - not least a shake-up at the Rotorua District Council which saw first a new chief executive then at election a new mayor and some new councillors. More recently the Chamber of Commerce announced its chief executive would be stepping down. The city enters a new era under new leadership.
Other big stories in the past year included the reopening of a cold case involving the 1979 murder of Rodney Tahu that led to the jailing of Rotorua man Menzies Hallett, the conclusion of the Western Rd sinking homes saga, the unsolved killings of George Taiaroa and Israel Jack, and the renewed drive to improve the Rotorua CBD.
For staff at the Rotorua Daily Post, not only did we enjoy a successful relaunch, our efforts were recognised with the Pacific Area Newspaper of the Year Award at a gala event in Sydney. Janine Davy was named Advertising Manager of the Year and Stephen Parker was Portrait Photographer of the Year at the same awards. On top of that our reporters Matthew Martin, Katie Holland and Katee Shanks were recognised as the best in the APN Regional group.
And towards the end of 2013, something that started out as a bad news story turned into something amazing.