According to my records this is my 100th Daily Post article.
I would like to start by thanking Te Atua i runga rawa for the opportunity to share some of my life lessons with you and The Daily Post for inviting me to write for the Te Maori page back in 2008.
I acknowledge nga hunga mate who I had the privilege to know and write about in these articles, including Taine Morrison, Hawea Vercoe, Don Stafford, uncles Manu Khan and Kepa Hiini, Okeroa Douglas and Rawiri Te Whare to mention a few. Ko ratou te hunga mate ki a ratou, haere, haere, haere atu ra. Kua wheturangitia ratou. Ko tatou te hunga ora ki a tatou, kia kaha tatou ki o tatou oranga. Tena ano tatou katoa.
I would like to thank all of you who read The Daily Post and especially those of you who have have stopped me in the streets or at your workplaces and complimented me on my Daily Post articles.
I really appreciate your feedback which has truly inspired and motivated me to continue writing. To my Aunty Jitty and my cousin Hune who collect my articles - I reckon you are awesome.