A Rotorua woman says she feels very humbled to be receiving a Queen's Service Medal.
Aroha Campbell, chief executive of Tauhara North No2 trust, has been recognised with a Queen's Service Medal for her service with several iwi and Maori land trusts.
The 56-year-old has been a trustee of the Tauhara North No2 trust since the early 1990s and has had the top job since 2005. After becoming chief executive, Mrs Campbell drove the establishment of the Nga Awa Purua geothermal station on trust land, a joint venture with Mighty River Power. She has also been a trustee of Ngati Tahu Tribal Trust, Paeroa East 5 Trust, and 338 Ohaaki Marae Trust. "I was certainly surprised to be nominated and very humbled in terms of the work that I do with the organisation for the owners and beneficiaries. It was a complete surprise that it was actually accepted," Mrs Campbell said.
"... definitely very, very humbled because there is a team beside and around me."
She credited the constant support of her husband Kevin, her four children and five mokopuna for being able to do a job she loves doing.