Mauri stone ceremony at the new site of the Te Whatu Ora Lakes’ Mauri Ora Mental Health Acute Inpatient Unit in Rotorua. Photo / Stephen Parker
Mauri stone ceremony at the new site of the Te Whatu Ora Lakes’ Mauri Ora Mental Health Acute Inpatient Unit in Rotorua. Photo / Stephen Parker
Another milestone for the replacement Te Whatu Ora Lakes’ Mauri Ora Mental Health Acute Inpatient Unit was celebrated today with the laying of a mauri stone at the Rangiuru St site.
Te Whatu Ora Lakes said in a statement today that Ngāti Whakaue representatives, as mana whenua, attended the early morning ceremony with Dr Anaha Hiini performing the karakia and blessing of the stone.
A mauri stone ceremony sees the mauri (life force) instilled into the selected stone and buried to secure vitality in the land and ensure a successful journey throughout the build, Hiini said.
Ngāti Whakaue representative Kingi Biddle, who welcomed people to the ceremony, said a mauri stone ceremony was important to iwi.
“Ngāti Whakaue has been involved in this project since its inception. The mauri stone is a recognition of the status that mātauranga Māori has in the healing of a person.
“It also acknowledges the role that we as tangata whenua have to play for our tāngata whai ora [people seeking health] and their whānau – families ... the living essence of Te Ara Tauwhirotanga, our model of care, will be present throughout the building.”
The mauri stone was found on-site during the earthworks which began in November 2022.
Dr Anaha Hiini performing the karakia and blessing of the mauri stone at the new site of the Te Whatu Ora Lakes’ Mauri Ora Mental Health Acute Inpatient Unit in Rotorua. Photo / Stephen Parker
Te Whatu Ora interim lead hospital and specialist services for the lakes area Alan Wilson said a large amount of earth was being moved and a platform prepared to ready the Rangiuru St site for the building.
Some of the moved earth will then be placed back and left for some months to settle the ground beneath. The fill will be removed prior to work commencing on the foundations, he said.
It is expected construction will begin mid-2023, dependent on the settlement. The building is expected to be completed mid-2025 at a cost of $31 million.
Wilson said the replacement facility will have 16 beds with the potential to expand to 20 in the future. The configuration of the bedrooms (in pods of four) will allow different cohorts to be grouped together for example; older people or people with vulnerabilities or who require a safe, low-stimulus environment with more intensive nursing.
The statement said the new, purpose-built facility would ensure the provision of modern, mental health and addiction services which will be safe and therapeutic for staff and tangata whai ora.
“It will support a focus on the healing and wellbeing of wha iora by incorporating strong kaupapa Māori design principles.
“Mental health and addiction staff, iwi, and consumers have worked with architects, engineers, and project managers on the detailed design of the building.”