"So many people have volunteered to help and we want to utilise everyone's different skills to make this float happen."
The Auckland Pride Parade in February down Ponsonby Rd is a highlight of the Auckland Pride Festival and the largest gay pride event in the country.
The festival's theme is Gods and Monsters and Mr Coffey said the Rotorua float would be celebrating a "local monster".
"The Birdwoman, Kurangaituku, is a mythical monster from Rotorua who was part bird, part woman. For many years, she has been villainised as scary, ugly and to be feared.
"We want to challenge this view, seeing her as a victim that needs to be freed from her historical stigma. The circus that she has been put through over the years, now looks to celebrate her, like the star she is."
The group, self-titled the Rotorua Chamber of Pride, has split into two task forces to organise the Proudly Rotorua float and the re-establishment of Bay Pride.
Graeme Cribb and Hana Tatere are in charge of the Bay Pride task force.
Bay Pride was a festival set up by the Bay Pride Trust in 2011 to celebrate the diversity within Rotorua's community.
Mr Coffey said the group had turned its sights to funding, approaching businesses with the option to buy a space in its flyer.
"We will be giving out flyers alongside the float and have allocated spaces for businesses to advertise to an Auckland audience.
"There will be 70,000 people at the parade and we are planning to print about 5000 flyers, so it will be a great opportunity to shine a light on local businesses."
Businesses interested in purchasing a space on the flyer can contact Mr Coffey via email, tamaticoffey@gmail.com.