More than 2000 people are expected to take part in the Te Arawa Games.
The two-day event, organised by Te Papa Takaro o Te Arawa, officially opens today with a pohiri at Karenga Park in Koutu.
Co-ordinator Hana Tapiata said they had been preparing since last year for the action-packed event with activities including touch football, maunga run up Mount Ngongotaha, basketball, waka ama, ki o rahi, power pulling, Te Arawa Fit, tennis and rama koura (crayfish, eel catching).
This year's games were set to be held in Matata but a change of venue brought it back to Rotorua. Last year it was held at Maketu where Tumahaurangi Marae were named the winners.
Miss Tapiata said a value-based scoring system introduced last year would again be part of the competition which focused on how teams played and interacted rather than just who won.