I've never been one for sport. Odd isn't it. In a country like New Zealand everyone is more or less expected to be sports mad.
If not into all sports then at least one or two. I've had fleeting affairs with swimming and jogging, more like waddling really, but never anything that would require time and effort spent in training. Yet I do admire those people who decide a sporting career is what they want to pursue.
To achieve excellence and be the best in any field whether business, academia, farming, medicine or sport takes years of commitment, trial and error. What we see on our TV screens is the result of all those years of practice, dedication and I suspect a good deal of pain and suffering as well.
It's never just showing up on the day or the result of being on form for one or two hours that makes a champion. It's having the intestinal fortitude to stay focussed on the long term goal for years.
To be the best these sports men and women remain absolutely determined. While others are enjoying themselves with family and friends they are out doing the hard yards. They have to because someone else will be out there, somewhere, doing exactly the same.