Rape is not pretty. It is horrific for the victims. Many live with the impact, sometimes their entire life. Others sadly don't want to continue to live. They take themselves out of existence.
Last Friday, a woman from another part of the country rang me while I was on the radio. She told me she was married with five children when she was raped. She told only her husband. They both tried to cope with the trauma the rape caused and attempted to put it behind them. Her husband couldn't. It eventually destroyed their marriage. She hasn't told anyone else, including the police. I would suggest that man has raped again. That's why girls and women should report rape and sexual assault.
And we must support them when they do.
When it is children; girls aged 13 or 14 years, who are violated then you know New Zealand continues to be in serious trouble. We might kid ourselves into thinking we are dealing to the basic instincts of misogynists but when episodes such as Roast Busters occur, we realise how much further we have to go.
It's probably wrong to refer to these young men as women-haters. Rather their despicable behaviour shows them to be self-loathing individuals. When you feel good about yourself, there is no need to act as they do. Their own bragging on Facebook has made them hated by people up and down the country. Their behaviour is loathsome and an intolerable breach of the human rights of the children involved.