Seems most countries are already imposing austerity measures to try to pay for and counter the impacts of the global economic crisis.
Our Prime Minister indicated earlier this year that asset sales and cutting government spending was a priority if we wanted to see the Government's accounts in surplus by 2014-2015. Government employees will not escape the cuts. This year through work commitments I have reconnected with many former colleagues still working in Government departments in Wellington. The majority remain committed to the public service ethos.
I have always respected these loyal people, many of whom have been with the public service for 20 years or more. They know the business of government and continue to be reliable and dependable to their ministers and departments. I believe they work incredibly hard. They have to as the departments have become lean and trim over the years. There has been a tendency to slag off those who work in government departments but I have always found the senior staff in particular to be very professional, highly skilled and they appear to enjoy their work. I presume this applies to the majority of the workforce otherwise why would you stay.
Government employees play an important role in ensuring the government's direction and wishes are developed into workable policy. They provide the necessary support for regional offices to then implement the changes with hopefully the desired outcomes. The Government relies on these dedicated, impartial public servants for advise. They have had to learn to be flexible over the past three decades as governments have driven their agendas, policies and changes at rapid speed.
Policies have been tried, tipped out when found not satisfactory and it starts all over again. Government employees are the one constant in the sea of change that has taken place in almost all government departments. Ministers come and go too. They get shuffled around, in some portfolios, annually. Public servants talk amongst themselves. They know who are the hard working ministers and as one said to me recently "there are those we respect and those we have to tolerate".