Remember Ean Higgins. The tosser, obnoxious twerp, boor. The disrespectful journalist and disgraceful ambassador for his country. These colourful descriptions were applied to him by Minister Gerry Brownlee and a raft of New Zealand journalists.
So what had this Australian journalist done to raise their ire? He came here for his newspaper The Australian to cover the Pike River mining disaster. And had the temerity, even insensitivity some said, to question police commander Gary Knowles as to why a "country cop" should be put in charge of the rescue operation. Gerry Brownlee, the Minister for Pike River Affairs, was outraged.
To question why a police officer, without knowing anything about mining and having no major disaster recovery experience, was in the role got Higgins offside from day one. He didn't last long. Our journalists couldn't abide him, wouldn't work or share information with him and so he was off. Recalled to Australia tout suite.
At the time many people I know thought as he did. Night after night we saw commander Knowles fronting the news on TV. He did his best to answer questions but wasn't very convincing. His delivery was wooden and he appeared aloof and distant. Higgins has recently used that short stint covering Pike River to claim this was his finest hour as a journalist. As he sees it: "New Zealand is a small, meek and mild democracy, where journalists didn't ask any uncomfortable questions, being happy to accept whatever the police, the company and the miners' rescue people told them". It was the Australian journalists, coming from a more robust tradition, who asked the tough questions, he said.
If you've seen the Australian media in action, you'll know what he means. They're tough. But is Higgins right? Are New Zealand journalists too timid? Reporting on Pike River required sensitivity but not at the expense of baulking at asking the questions the public wanted answered. Do our journalists have the balls to ask tough questions and to keep it up until they're satisfied? Are we being sold short by lack of gutsy questioning similar to that in Australia to get answers and the truth?