We don't, or won't, believe we have such nasty people in elected leadership positions.
He can't accept this. I know, because of his own set of personal beliefs, he doesn't understand how people can be so cruel.
Power affects people differently, including politicians.
Some need to hang on to it at all costs; win by foul means, if winning by fair means isn't possible.
I find it interesting, too, that the politicians and hackers who worked together to discredit other politicians and their parties, appear to be all well-educated Pakeha. It would be hard to "spot the Maori" in that lot. And why should that matter?
Because Maori will be in their sights, too, one day, if not already.
These so-called "fit for purpose" leaders are the very same who want "one law for all".
They want to remove the Maori seats in Parliament and to put an end to Treaty of Waitangi settlements.
They will dip into their bag of dirty tricks to try to manipulate public opinion.
I would suggest "one law for all" is way off in the far distant future - when authentic leadership is seen, heard and practised.
I'm inclined to believe Deputy Prime Minister Bill English. He wouldn't do it, he said. He doesn't have to hack, or leak information to crack it. He is his own believable brand. He is confident in his talent, experience and personal values.
He knows that the average man and woman in the street sense that, too.
It is the members of Parliament who lack confidence and integrity, although they appear very self-assured, who resort to undermining tactics.
They have to remain in power somehow. When you observe politicians at work, the shady ones are obvious. Their colleagues know them, too, and whom they associate and communicate with. It wouldn't take much to uncover how receptive they are to receiving and passing on information.
New Zealand needs authentic men and women in Parliament who are admired for their achievements, decent qualities and courage.
They aren't afraid to be different and will speak up. Yes, and take risks.
We know they will have flaws and failings like anyone else. They are human after all.
But they should stand a cut above and inspire us.
We want to be assured they are looking out for our country and its people, not there for their own self-interest.
We want to look up to our members of Parliament without the slightest suspicion of deception or hypocrisy; those who will do the right thing, even when no one is looking. I believe most are trying their best.
Hackers and bloggers who believe their twisted writings and exposes will make a difference in our country are wrong. They are mediocre people who affect no one, at least not for good.
• Merepeka lives in Rotorua. She writes, speaks and broadcasts to thwart the spread of political correctness.