Reality TV shows still seem to win their share of audiences. The fact they continue to be made must mean people do watch them. Horses for courses I guess. But it is shows like Embarrassing Bodies, The Biggest Loser and One Born Every Minute that I find unpalatable. The human body is what it is. Tiny and vulnerable when born and the same could be said as we near life's end. It comes in all shapes and sizes as we move through the continuum of life.
Society has this fixation with the body beautiful. Some societies that is. There are some communities that find a large, voluminous body a thing of beauty. While Western society seems wrapped up in the outer facade. Thinner the better. Long flowing hair, pearly white teeth and a complexion without blemish or any distinguishing feature. Clone-like in fact. As we age, have children and go through life's experiences these can get etched on our faces and show how we've been able to deal with whatever life has thrown at us.
There are faces that seem to pout perpetually and there are those where the light of hope and love shines all the time. I tend to keep away from the former, preferring to spend my time with those whose faces reflect what's on "the inside". They are usually uplifting and encouraging people.
I think the human body is a wonderful piece of construction. But I can't sit and watch the reality shows that need to uncover all of it. The shows mentioned above are a big turn off to me. For some, watching the birth of a beautiful baby is a joy to see. It is. But making a TV programme that follows couples through their birthing experience is not for me. Legs bent up, heads poking up from between them giving a running commentary on progress being made seems an intrusion on what should be loving, private moments. I guess those who take part in the TV programme don't have a problem with huffing, puffing and grunting away in front of the cameras. Partners often cop an ear full of colourful language too if the going gets tough for the woman in labour. It just seems a private, precious moment is lost with cameras capturing the event.
Then we have various body problems on show in Embarrassing Bodies. Some bits have expanded, shrunk, dropped off, smell, grown unwanted parts or worse. And the programme doesn't mind showing the graphic symptoms. Of course all bodies are not alike and we accept that from time to time they will develop embarrassing signs that all is not well. But a programme that flops it all out, who watches this stuff?