He said the mentors had shared stories of how their lives had improved from the partnership. One woman is learning te reo Maori as a result of her match.
One of the children blooming as a result of the programme is 11-year-old Luke Donnelly, who was one of the first matches made in April when he was paired with Wade Meads.
"It's awesome," said Luke's mum, Lisa Beamsley.
"He and Wade try to get together at least once a week. It's wonderful. He seems extremely happy with the relationship. "He has influential males in his life with his granddad and uncles, and his core group of friends, their dads are amazing but with Wade and him, he doesn't have to share him."
She said it was nice for Luke to have "a good man he can look up to".
Mr Meads, who has two daughters, said he enjoyed being part of Luke's life.
"It has shown me there is more to life outside of work and everyday living," he said.
"Spending time with Luke is great and I look forward to basically dropping everything else and doing something completely different with him for an hour or two. It's easy, it's rewarding and it makes a big positive difference to someone."
Mr Parker said two misconceptions about the programme were that it was only for boys and that the children had behavioural problems.
"A lot are doing fine, but they're missing out on a relationship."
Big Brothers Big Sisters Rotorua
* Started October 2014.
* Links adult mentors with children who need something extra.
* So far matched 13 mentors to children.
* Open to children from 7 to 12.
-For more information, email darryl.parker@bigbrothersbig sisters.org.nz.