"And coming up against everyone else whose the best in their region is a bit daunting."
David's humorous speech is about DIY, as him and his partner have recently been rennovating their house.
"My speech is about what we had to go through to rennovate our house and all the DIY we have done, or had someone do."
He has been a member of Lake City Breakfast Toastmasters for a couple of years now and in that time he has done about 10 speeches, but this is his first time entering a contest.
"I don't think I'm funny, but the speech itself is entertaining."
He's got until the second weekend of November to prepare, but he will probably try and make a few improvements and then practice that for at least a week, he says.
David says although you go along to Toastmasters to learn how to speak better, one of the most enjoyable things is listening to everyone else's speeches.
There is a varied range of people and you get to know them through their speeches, he says.
"You learn lots of different things because people give speeches about their jobs or things happening around the world. A lot of them have travelled a lot."
He says you also learn how to evaluate people and give them feedback infront of a room of people.
You meet a lot of new people too, and are able to catch up with them every week, he says.
David says he joined Toastmasters because one of his biggest fears was public speaking or speaking in front of a crowd, and he had to do it a bit for work so thought it would be great to get better at it.
"If someone wanted to learn how to be a better public speaker then Toastmasters would be an awesome place to start."