If your access to the internet was cut off today how would it affect you?
I am quite happy to admit I would be lost. Banking, directions, shopping, parenting tips, recipes, communication, leisure. The internet is used throughout my waking hours. I confess to checking my emails when I wake up and when my son was a newborn I'd talk to other mums on Facebook as we catered to those middle-of-the-night feeds.
As the internet has become more commonplace, we develop a complacency but, in the wake of this week's email hacks, we should be reminded that just because we are more used to it we shouldn't drop our guard.
I woke up yesterday morning to several emails from people in my contacts book. But thanks to my phone previewing the first line I knew straightaway not to open. It's not the first time this has happened and it most likely won't be the last but, hopefully, it will prompt people to be more security conscious with their passwords.
I'm one of those people who uses pretty much the same password, or variations of, depending on what site I am on. Those that are precious to me, banking, emails, anything that requires security, has a password ranked as strong - a mix of letters, numbers, upper and lower case. It didn't always use to be like that, but I learned the hard way - I got hacked. Luckily, it was a fairly harmless hacking and I found out quite early on, but I have heard horror stories.