I could not let the comments by A.N Christie go (Letters, February 2).
Young people, like it or not, are entitled to have an opinion on events, life and yes politics.
Some young people are way ahead in a good number of cases on ideas, the way things are done, or the way it should be or could be done.
I don't always agree with the younger generation but every now and then it doesn't hurt to reflect on the fact we were young once and we were told by our parents what they thought of us youngsters and the things we said and did.
Remember what you thought of the "olds" back in those days.
Remember rolling your eyes and thinking "what do these old buggers know"?
Personally, I like to discuss issues with the younger generation and get their feelings about the world around them.
Lizzie Marvelly has an opinion and good on her for expressing it.
I hope she keeps it up and I look forward to what she has to say on issues. I won't agree with her necessarily, but she has the right to an opinion.
Lake Tarawera
Farewell to 'one off'
Yesterday, the first day of February, yet another light went out in Rotorua.