Greetings to all readers. As a tourist town could we have a better bus area so people can stand out of the rain as in old days, plenty of parking to let off travellers, a clock that always works and more for people to go and see in the evenings?
The rual community's blood is beginning to boil with all the negative articles on dairy farming recently in the Daily Post. Rotorua was built on dairy and beef farming.
In his letter of January 10, Reynold MacPherson continues to promote the lie that unelected representatives are making decisions that are binding on our city. This is causing disquiet in our community, as a lie repeated is a lie that may well in time be perceived to be the truth. This lie continues to give oxygen to his much proclaimed negative opinion of the governance of our city, a negativity that in my view is in complete contrast to the positive feelings that are abounding at the moment in Rotorua.
Reynold knows, or should know, that our elected council of 10 plus our elected mayor, are the only ones who can make decisions that bind our city, and that any decisions made by our council's committees can be overturned by our elected council if it so decides. If Reynold does in fact consider that this is not the case, could he please provide the names of his so-called unelected representatives who are capable of, and who are, making decisions that are binding on us all, the people of Rotorua.