I am left wondering why the $31,000 report commissioned by council and conducted by the National Research Bureau was only released to the public in late October given the council received it in June.
There is the possibility of course, that as the approval ratings were worse than in 2015, that the report was withheld for the obvious reason that it might have impacted on the election results. We will never know.
It was said the results were skewed towards the 50+ age bracket. True, but it is this section of the community that takes a genuine interest in what goes on in their community and who care how their rates are spent. Many of the younger age bracket are renting, have minimal interest in such things and would likely fit into the "no opinion category". I must be honest and admit my husband and I and our friends fell into that bracket. The last thing we would read or talk about was council governance.
Maybe a street survey would offer provide a better cross section.