We read that Crankworx lost $94,000 in 2015 and $39,000 in 2016 and has been
licensed to carry on like this for another 10 years (Rotorua Daily Post, December 23).
The Mayor's press release promised that "repayment is to be made through profits once the
event becomes self-sustaining."
Yeah right! C'mon Steve, exactly when is the $133,000 going to be repaid to the ratepayers?
Why was ratepayers' hard earned cash even put at risk by the council to benefit Skyline Rotorua and Tak Mutu in the first place?
Please tell the queue forming outside your door for more corporate welfare hand-outs that the ratepayers are not a piggy bank. Tell them that Reynold Macpherson was right: rates are not your money and it's to pay for core services.