Who is Tommy Wilson (Rotorua Daily Post Opinion, August 7)? He seems to know a bit about wines and after reading his article I suggest he must have imbibed a large quantity.
He names Jacinda Arden (NZ population 5 million) as a talented politician as part of a powerful trifecta including Emmanuel Macron (France population 66 million) and Justin Trudeau (Canada population 35 million) and describes Jacinda as an award-winning wine destined for the top shelf.
But the question must be asked what life skills is she bringing to her position as leader of the Labour Party. After graduating from Waikato University she assisted Helen Clark, Phil Goff and then as a senior advisor to Tony Blair.
I wonder what life skills she picked up from these mentors. True, she is a nice looking woman, a photographer's and cartoonist's dream, but what has she achieved away from political life?
And we must of course remember that a vote for Labour is also a vote for the Greens. If you can stomach that kind of coalition, then God Save New Zealand.