Two letters (March 7) regarding the East Rotoiti/Rotomā Sewerage Scheme require clarification. Finding a wastewater solution for these communities has, since 2014, been driven by a hard-working community steering committee established after a 2013 Environment Court directive.
The committee explored a range of alternatives and engaged with the communities to find solutions to help improve the lake water quality, protect public health and ensure it's cost-effective.
Council adopted the committee's recommendations including a treatment plant that connects to on-property pre-treatment devices via a reticulation network. Because it's new infrastructure, it is a new capital cost, funded by borrowing.
Central government, regional and Rotorua Lakes Council are contributing to it. Council is proposing a wastewater service levy for all ratepayers (except rural) to contribute towards the scheme and alleviate the financial burden on East Rotoiti/Rotomā residents.
There will be an estimated $14,100 in net-capital cost (after subsidy) per Rotoiti/Rotomā ratepayer. This figure cannot be finalised until the exact cost is known, but we have committed to staying within that amount. Regarding the $450 annual levy, this operation and maintenance service fee applies to all properties connected to a sewerage scheme.