In reply to Viv Radley, (Letters, July 19), voicing concern about Rotorua's reputation. I accept that there are some matters of concern, but they are far outweighed by all the positive experiences that Rotorua has to offer visitors and residents. All the wonderful things that attracted my wife and me
Letters to the editor: The good with Rotorua outweighs the bad
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Rotorua. Photo / Felix Desmarais
Speak for the people, not the Government
From recent reports, It's clear Rotorua is being used as a dumping ground. Voters for council candidates need to remind them the council's primary duty is to protect and serve the interests of its ratepayers. Not to solve the Government's problems. Agree to vote for those speaking for the people.
Marilyn Carpenter
The Rotorua Daily Post welcomes letters from readers. Please note the following:
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• They should be opinion based on facts or current events.
• If possible, please email.
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• Local letter writers given preference.
• Rejected letters are not normally acknowledged.
• Letters may be edited, abridged, or rejected at the Editor's discretion.
• The Editor's decision on publication is final. No correspondence will be entered into.