We live in a throw-away society in which numerous plastics and other products are not able to be recycled and which therefore end up in landfills or, even worse, in the ocean.
The people who think they are leading this ''revolution'' have, in my view, missed the boat. I believe they spend time looking at the big picture about air pollution, but have forgotten to consider all forms of pollution.
I believe they have also forgotten how to encourage those who will be the ones to make the difference to our planet - us, the people.
Robin Uncles
Ill-thought out responses to climate changes
Your opinion piece from Climate Change Minister James Shaw (Opinion, June 8) worries me.
And it's not just that the illustration is of a cooling tower belching water vapour - not pollution.
It's the 30-plus times the author uses the word, ''we''. Who is this ''we'' and does it include me?
I found an answer in the sentence: "And here we are, in power at the last possible moment…."
Count me out of that one, Shaw. I have only to refer to the Simon Wilson's NZ Herald article stating that every month, on average, six bulk carrier ships arrive at Auckland's port to unload coal.
They dump an average of 35,000 tonnes of coal on the wharf, which is trucked down the Southern Motorway to Huntly for the power station and to Glenbrook for NZ Steel. There are 875 trucks, going there and back, for each ship.
One month, 210,000 tonnes of coal, 10,500 truck movements.
Why is this happening? Because of ill-thought out responses to climate changes.
I know the climate's been changing since it gained oxygen in the atmosphere, and I know that the movement of our ancestors in Africa coincided with accelerated change.
But really? In my view, Shaw needs to do better.
Graham Crooks
Pyes Pa
Town worth saving
In reply to G Shuter (Letters, June 2), I agree with comment Rotorua town is empty and bare, with no pizzazz in the CBD.
Having lived here and written about it, a change is needed - such as hanging baskets, palm trees or tables and chairs with umbrellas to smarten it up.
It would be a new look. The town is in need of an upgrade.
The town has been tarnished by its recent reputation which is a shame for the town because it is a nice town worth saving.
P Fletcher
Mount Maunganui
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