The fact we consider it "normal" for an individual to propel themselves around with a tonne of steel, their own personal microclimate and a 30 per cent efficient internal combustion engine is not objectively defensible.
Miriam Odlin
Your vote counts
Believe it or not once upon a time I was young -a teenager and I still recall the things that riled me, the things I liked, and the things I believed should change -and since I became old enough to vote I always do vote.
Most of the young people I know and speak to have an opinion, there are many things they do not like about the government of the day, things they would like to see change - so why do such a small percentage of them bother to vote? Nothing will change if you allow the things you dislike to continue. Voice your opinion, you will be heard, your vote will count and ultimately things will improve.
If, however, you cannot be bothered to vote then you give up your right to complain. No vote - keep your mouth shut! That simple.
Jim Adams
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