End Of Life Choice Act
Now the focus has shifted somewhat from Covid-19, the election is near.
The End Of Life Choice Act has been presented for voting Yes/No at a referendum and if successful will become law.
There is active jostling by both parties for/against and you may not be sure if all you are hearing and seeing is a fact.
Go to the link www.referendums.govt.nz. and look for End of Life Choice. This is exactly as the Act (already passed through a lengthy parliamentary process) is portrayed.
You will know how it is anticipated to work and who fits the criteria for assisted death. When you cast your vote at the election you are exercising free will, an expression of one's own humanity. EOLC reflects your autonomy, right to the very end of your life.
I would hope that you never have to make the choice of whether to shorten your life or not. A diagnosis of cancer is not something you can anticipate and it is possible that you will not have the suffering and pain that some people experience.
But if you do, EOLC gives you a powerful tool so that you yourself can plan your death to be one of dignity and peace.
I do not forget the helplessness of a daughter when she told me "All I remember of my mother's death was the pain". I had no consoling words for her, but I did wish that something could change to make it different for people in the same situation in years to come.
Tess Nesdale
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