The debate relating to the anti-smacking legislation banning the physical disciplining of children (Opinion June 8 and June 14) whether in the home or at school, has arisen because of our departure as a nation from the truths and principles expounded in the Bible, especially in relation to the correction
Letters: Spare the rod and spoil the child still rings true
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David Preest believes the physical discipline of children can be very effective. Photo / File
We (children included) all need to learn that behaviours and attitudes good and bad, will have consequences.
The old axiom "spare the rod (smack) and spoil the child" is as true today as ever.
David Preest
Questions over electric vehicles
Has anyone given serious thought to the future with electric vehicles?
Very few people in New Zealand have solar or wind power, this means that most are reliant on the power companies. Also, electric vehicles cost more to purchase, more to build, the batteries are very expensive and have to be replaced quite frequently.
The cars travel a very small distance before requiring recharging.
Our electric power bills are fearfully high now, add a car-charge to that and we would need our pensions doubled! Surely hydrogen power is far more sensible. At least until we all have solar power and the distance one may travel is improved.
Jim Adams
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