It looks remarkably like the Al Jazeera Radio symbol.
Why not just forget about a sculpture altogether, save $570,000 (or more!) and plant the site up with our beautiful native trees as suggested in a Facebook feedback comment of September 15?
Makes more sense from all directions.
Try wood - or mud
f it wasn't for real, the craziness surrounding the Hemo roundabout sculpture would be funny, but alas, the mismanagement and indecision is true and ratepayers and taxpayers will be footing most of the bill, however big and beyond $570,000 it is likely to stretch.
How can council have approved a project that didn't have a contract and hadn't been adequately costed and funded?
In her first term and with much fanfare and photo opportunity, the mayor announced that Rotorua would be a 'wood first' town, but in the ensuing years, this promotion must have been forgotten.
Coming after the mud fiasco, I dread what this council has in store for us next.
It seems to me that now there are three options.
1. Cancel the project. We don't need a steel object not even made in New Zealand and think of the money it will save.
2. Use wood.
3. Use mud!!
Don't use our ever-increasing rates to pay for a whim. Wake up council.