It would appear that some people in our city are getting themselves into a blue funk over our Lakefront development, reasoning that, for example, the planned boardwalk will become a repository for bird poo, be an effective lake weed gatherer, and will spoil the view as they sit in their
Letters: Rotorua Lakefront needs a facelift - it's well past its use-by date
Doing the right thing
I am a regular user of the transfer station at the Rotorua Land Fill. I am charged $18 per carload.
I do the right thing and diligently dump where every caring citizen should.
But, and this is a big but, my poor little nanna-car has to make the hazardous last part of the road navigating many ruts and potholes.
It's way past needing to be regraded.
Come on those responsible, do the right thing for those of us with a public conscience.
Lesley Haddon
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