Thank you to CC McDowall (Letters, February 28), for giving me my biggest laugh of the week with the letter "Single-sex schools are a relic".
I'm not writing to educate CC McDowall about the results gained by girls in single-sex schools as compared to those gained by girls in co-ed schools, across all deciles in New Zealand.
But, if the writer would like to come to one of our reunion sessions at Easter Weekend, as we proudly celebrate our Diamond (60th) Jubilee at Rotorua Girls' High School, I and many others, will gladly show them some of what has been achieved in this girls' state school (and it is mirrored in the other 23 girls' state schools in New Zealand).
Diversity is what New Zealand education is all about, and RGHS's record is second to none (as witness the Prime Minister's Award to RGHS in 2018).
I suggest to CC McDowall that they, in future, stick to their knitting, and I welcome them, and all your readers, to our reunion, from 19-21 April.