I applaud the Apumoana Marae committee for opening their doors and their hearts to those currently in need of temporary housing in our community. I am sure that the people of the marae will not discriminate between Maori and non-Maori - homelessness is homelessness whichever way you look at it.
However, in my view the National-led Government have a lot to answer for. The recent reshuffle of Cabinet has seen the position of the housing minister disestablished. The shifting of a once (individual) ministerial responsibility to that of a (collective) local government responsibility essentially removes central government from any accountability around this contentious issue. Does this shift mean that the Government has finally acknowledged the fact that our country has a housing crisis?
The National Government backed the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) and quickly made changes to our legislation to align with the TPP. This legislation included the Local Government Act 2002 Amendment Bill which many believed would be the death of local democracy. I believe the TPP is a tool to usurp our sovereignty. While many think this agreement is now dead in the water, I say watch this space.
National has delegated more responsibility to local government while looking to diminish their decision making roles. In my view if we continue to support this Government then eventually our local councils will be powerless when it comes to representing the people who put them there. We need to support those who put people first before profit.