In the still of the night we had heard that helicopter go out. What a poignant moment and one which reminds me of how tragic it will be if we lose this wonderful service.
Jeanette Crean
Kawaha Point
Maori moves
One has to admire the shrewd manoeuvrings of the Maori Renaissance Movement. While crying 'racism' on one hand, they are busy cementing in place undeniably separatist privileges on the other.
Examples include public funding for Maori-only initiatives, such as education/scholarships, housing projects, health and welfare facilities, prisoner programmes, positions on government agencies, Resource Management Act consultation rights, co-management of parks/rivers/lakes and the coastline, te reo promotion, radio and TV channels, appointments on to local government committees/statutory boards, seats in Parliament, tribal charitable status despite all beneficiaries being related, and a special Maori Authority tax rate of 17.5 per cent.
But wait, there's more to come. We're currently funding lawyers for about 580 overlapping, tribal claims to our coastline and a local government push to entrench Maori seats on all councils.
It's laughable when the compliant media promote grandstanding comments from people like Taika Waititi, Susan Devoy and Lizzie Marvelly, who scream racism while embracing "separatism with privileges" as listed above.
New Zealand is fundamentally a healthy, multicultural society which is being totally undermined by the greed of politically powerful separatists. It will only be at peace when all mention of race is taken out of legislation.
Geoff Parker