The Rotorua Lakes 2019/20 Annual Plan is now available for comment.
But how much meaningful debate is council prepared to enter into?
The only item on which feedback is sought is on delivery of wastewater services. Otherwise, it is merely an update on what council is currently doing.
From a
ratepayer perspective, it is not the progress on projects committed to in the Long Term Plan that is of primary importance, but whether council is keeping to the LTP funding programme. However, in the April 15 E-pānui, it appears that the main priority is to progress to date against projects and work set out in the LTP.
This is not the way a prudent council would manage its projects. Let's for a minute consider what would happen if any project in the LTP costs were reviewed and were to add another $50 million to our debt. Would it be prudent to still proceed with the project? Of course not. Any prudent council would go back and ask a few serious questions.