It may just be a coincidence that two words that seem to be unrelated are in fact connected. Both of these words start with the same letters. The letters are T and R.
The words are Tree and Trouble.
The trouble with trees is that they cause trouble.
Just looking at the trouble caused by a tree that was blown apart by very strong winds.
It killed a lady who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. None of us will know how her family feel because it didn't happen to one of our own family members.
Let's not even think we may know.
What we do know is that the tree in question was not in a good condition and that the local council knew it. All the investigations in the world won't change what happened.
The police time involved in the event would have been better spent trying to locate the people taking liberties with other people's property around our town.
The coroner must know the outcome of the event and why it happened and surely must be able to come up with decisions suitable to put this whole sad business into suitable files before long.
The trouble with trees is that they just keep getting bigger and older and more fragile.
The council knows of others that are being artificially kept upright. They should develop a "tree care" division and take these and any other huge trees down before another event occurs.
Too bad for the "tree huggers", one innocent victim is one too many.