In today's newspaper (News, July 25), there was a reference to the fact that the CBD is dying and the council is seeking reasons for the area's demise.
Firstly the parking system now being used is inconvenient, is difficult to navigate, and in my experience the pay machines either donot work and are usually quite a walk away from one's car, so we do not pay and consequently are concerned about being fined for over parking.
This, in my opinion, is a disincentive to shop in the CBD.
Our council has allowed shopping centres to spring up in the suburbs, drawing people away from the CBD.
Then the majority of city shops and buildings are old.
Removing the City Focus and replacing it with Te Manawa was not a bright idea. Certainly one can get a sightline through to the lake except for Eat Streat.
This is because there are few people walking in Tutanekai Street.
John Smale
Electric and hydrogen cars
With reference to the letter from Tony Lipanovic (Letters, July 5) regarding electric and hydrogen cars.
The only reason NZ is so far behind when it comes to hydrogen cars is we do not have any outlets here, a reader says. Photo / File
Hydrogen cars are being made by almost every car maker in the world including Mercedes, Alfa Romeo, cars and trucks powered by hydrogen are used extensively in the US and have been for some time.
The only reason NZ is so far behind is we do not have any outlets here.
More research and development is being done in hydrogen than electric simply because it is better and cheaper and more sustainable than electric.